Saturday, March 12, 2016

vERAM review

Now that I am at ZAN, I have been consulting with the FE and others at  Anchorage on the new program vERAM. vERAM will be a great program for those who like vSTARS.  Ross Carlson has upped his game on this one. Setup is simple and and once you download and install the facility it is simple to maintain.  Challanges can come in when trying to vector for approach.  There is nothing to aid in vectoring including the fact that the screen faces true north and not magnetic north.  Like vSTARS, the radar is king.  Certain airports may require the aircraft to climb to 7000 feet before radar contact can be established.   By the same token, desending into those airports you'll have to clear them for the approach and then drop tag as you allow them to report back to you on IFR cancellations.  That is because of the long ranges of the radar.  Aircraft may even lose radar contact as they fly thru holes in the radar coverage.  Some aircraft (/A) might not be seen at all if only secondary radar is available.  All in all, I think it will be a great boon for the VATSIM community.